Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 3, 2015

Woodard says...

No, not that Woodard.  This time we hear from his son, Blake Woodard.

Seems he doesn't care much for the water board incumbents and their wasteful ways either.

VOTE FOR CRAIG BICKLEY and MICHELE VON LUCKNER!  Bring some sanity to the insane Tarrant Regional Water District.

By the way, how much does the General Manager of the TRWD make annually?  We're told over $300,000.  WHERE do YOU think that money comes from?

YOU guessed it.  After reading the definition for insanity, read Blake's comments in the FW Business Press below, you can also learn WHO pays more to the Fort Worth tax base - Mr. Bennett or Mayor Betsy Price.

As a lifelong Fort Worth citizen, I am proud to call Monty Bennett my friend. He's a kind man who seeks nothing from TRWD but the same fairness and respect any of us would want and is passionate about open, limited government. Through his company's Fort Worth holdings, he pays more Fort Worth property taxes than at least 95% of those who childishly demean his Dallas residence, including our mayor. Most ironically, our mayor, who mails scare flyers to senior citizens warning that Monty Bennett is a Dallas businessman who wants to take our water, is the one intent on handing Fort Worth's water sovereignty to her good friend, Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings, through regional (read "Dallas-controlled") water restrictions. 

Fort Worthians, don't miss this rare opportunity to tear the curtain on a government entity desperately in need of reform. Change is coming on May 9. For information on the candidates or a copy of Mayor Price's senior citizen scare flyer, e-mail me at

Fort Worth Sell Outs

Remember way back in the day, when Tommy Lee Jones told you to "Get behind the Barnett Shale"?  His face was plastered on billboards and buses all over town...

Remember who the mayor was then, that sold Fort Worth down the river to the drillers?  In case you forgot, it was Mike Moncrief.  We've been spared from looking at Mikey for awhile now, then all the sudden, we see his face popping up again on mailers for an election he has nothing to do with.  Well, we're sure his driller friends still need water...

Remember when the policitians hired celebrities to push their water agenda through?  Prop 2 got a lot of press.  How much money does the Tarrant Regional Water District get from Prop 2 passing?

YOU don't want to know.

All you need to know is if the politicians are pimping incumbents, there is a reason and the reason is NOT you.

Don't buy the BS, the PRICE is too high.

Don't believe us?  Check your water bill.

Name your "Price"

 Two short years ago a new councilperson was elected to serve the east side of Fort Worth.

She was elected because the voters were tired of not being represented by their representative.

These voters worked day and night to get this person elected because she promised to represent THEIR interests.

How quickly they forget...

This very same councilwoman now has sold out to the highest bidder and has let her photo be posted on a flyer from Mayor Price, for an election neither of them are a part of.

We can't help but wonder what her price was?  What she was promised? And who the voters WHO elected her will vote for now?

The betting window is now open.

Dear Startlegram,

THIS is how you write a "news" article.

You interview the people you are writing about.  It's a novel concept.  YOU should try it sometime.  YOU might learn something.

Kudos to the Fort Worth Business Press for hiring journalists, not columnists, handle your reporting.

Also, for reminding people that Monty Bennett isn't running for the water board and he's also a Fort Worth businessman.

And will someone please tell Vic Henderson that spending $6 million taxpayer dollars to sue Oklahoma is not ok.

Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 3, 2015

Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 3, 2015

Well, well, well....

Well, well, well....

What do we have here?

Did the Fort Worth Star-Telegram decide to try and undo their reputation as a mouthpiece for TRWD incumbents?  Did they get called out?  They will...

Seems the ST didn't realize that Monty Bennett was not running for the Tarrant Regional Water District.  Their article about the election mentioned him ten times.  More than any of the five candidates - Craig Bickley, Michele Von Luckner and the others.

They mentioned Mr. Bennett almost a dozen times, but yet again, failed to reach out to him for a comment.  So he sent one anyway.  Also, a true update on the TOMA lawsuit.  The online article at the Star-Telegram has been updated to reflect both.

Maybe the Startlegram is tired of being the butt of jokes in Tarrant County.  We shall see.

See the updates below - and the updated article here.

Bennett disputed Lane’s assertions in an email.
“The entrenched incumbents continue to try and scare the voters with grandiose stories about an evil Dallasite trying to steal their water,” Bennett said. “This is absurd. For the record, I have no interest in Fort Worth’s water, or the Trinity River Vision or the Integrated Pipeline project.

“I’ve successfully blocked the TRWD from snatching my mother's family land in east Texas. My only interest now is to help Mary Kelleher continue the fight against a heavy handed government agency, with numerous allegations of corruption, cronyism, and self-dealing, that treats citizens, including me, very poorly while neglecting its core duties of water provision and flood control.”

To which the Star-Telegram additionally updated-
After a district court ruled in favor of Bennett, the 2nd Court of Appeals said in November that TRWD did not violate the Open Meetings Act. Bennett has appealed the ruling to the Texas Supreme Court where briefs must be submitted by April 13. An attempt by TRWD to use eminent domain to acquire property surrounded by Bennett’s ranch has also been appealed to the Texas Supreme Court.

Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 3, 2015

Star-Telegram Slacking

We know with all the cuts the 'news' paper ain't what it used to be. But they continue to make it so easy for those who would like to point that out. Case in point, take today's Bill Hanna Tarrant Regional Water District opinion piece for example.

Take for instance Marty Leonard saying the board has done a good job preparing for water needs. How much did they spend suing Oklahoma to take their water? $6 million? Of OUR case you were wondering, they lost.

Marty also talked about the Corp of Engineers pitching in $17 million for their pet project. Does she know where 'the Corp' gets that money?

For those of you keeping count at home, that's $23 million of YOUR dollars in just one paragraph.

The opinion piece goes on to say the Water District spent the 'majority of their last board meeting explaining its budget and what role TRWD plays in local water rates. Explaining to who?? The board? Marty and Jim who have served 9 years each on the board? (Remember last year they postponed the election and extended their term by a year.  Even though when the last water board crew did that, Jim Lane voted against it).

Lane goes on to say that the board has used eminent domain responsibly, which is in direct conflict with what every group and business owner who has been affected has told Texas Lone Star in recent and past interviews.

Lane also goes on to say the Integrated Pipeline (over $2 billion dollars) will basically solve all our problems. He fails to mention the TRWD's own report that says the pipeline will take water to Dallas NOT Tarrant County. WHY wouldn't he or the 'news' mention that?

Former Mayor Moncrief, the one who sold out FW to Chesapeake, is heading up the incumbents PAC (remember those calls to Dallas begging for money we told you about? Now you know who is making them). Along with Fox, who works at one of Congresswoman Granger's favorite places in FW.

This race will be the hottest race in Tarrant County. Here's hoping the people are tired of the insanity (look up definition) and try something new, like voting for real people (Craig Bickley and Michele Von Luckner) instead of those owned by the water district contractors.

Also, someone let Hanna know the Texas Supreme Court has picked up the latest case. We know their short staffed over there in the building they share with JD Granger and the Trinity River Vision.

Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 3, 2015

WHAT moron?

Gets rid of the best editor he's ever had?

Surprisingly, for once, we're not talking about the Startlegram, but the Fort Worth Weekly.

Not only is it crazy seeing as how under this award winning editor, Fort Worth Weekly has won countless awards itself, but the timing is questionable as well.

We'll be keeping a close eye on the Weekly over the next couple months, and we won't be the only ones.

Good luck to the talented reporters left behind. And good luck to their fearless, formidable and extremely talented editor, Gayle Reaves. We have no doubt she'll move on to bigger and better things.

Maybe soon she'll write about the Weekly.

Fort Worth is a better place due to Gayle's contributions and her loss will be felt for years to come...

Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 3, 2015

Greetings north Texas Barnett Shale fractivists

For the past few years I have dreamed of gathering all north Texas fracktivists together at one place and time for a group photo. But the tremendous growth of the movement since 2004 made the the possibility of that happening somewhat daunting.

But I like to dream big, so....with the 10th anniversary of Prairie Fest coming on April 25, the time is right. Are you in?

Why Prairie Fest? As some of you know, Prairie Fest began in 2006 as the first major public event / protest / festival / push-back to bring attention to threatened gas drilling at Tandy Hills Natural Area in Fort Worth. State Rep. Lon Burnam was the keynote speaker. The term, "fracktivist" didn't yet exist but the goal was the same. Keep drilling out of our neighborhoods and raise awareness of the impacts and dangers.

In 2004, a small group of concerned neighbors started the group, Friends of Tandy Hills. We were NIMBY's. After the first ever public protest against fracking and a few key reports by Jeff Prince in the Fort Worth Weekly, Friends of Tandy Hills morphed into FWCANDO (Fort Worth Citizens Against Neighborhood Drilling Operations) and our small group connected up with others in the Barnett, both urban AND rural. Next thing you know, a corp of international media was knocking on my door and a guy named Josh Fox was sleeping on my couch, taking notes about a little film project. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then.

With notable exceptions, victories in the Barnett have been few and far between but, ten years later, awareness has never been greater. Participation in push-back against drilling and fracking is at an all-time high. Organizations and individuals not on-board in 2006 are now leading the charge. Tandy Hills is well protected. Prairie Fest, a solar-powered event, has helped demonstrate the importance of connecting with and protecting the natural world. Friends of Tandy Hills have sponsored field trips for thousands of kids. The tide is turning.

Please join me at Prairie Fest on April 25 for a group photo to celebrate 10 years of fighting the fracking monster. It will be a rare opportunity to meet and make connections with fellow fractivists. A professional photographer will capture the moment. Exact time of photo will be announced soon. I'm making a list of participants so please, spread the word and....

Don Young
Friends of Tandy Hills Natural Area

P.O. Box 470041
Fort Worth, TX 76147

Thứ Sáu, 13 tháng 3, 2015

You are invited

The League's next General Membership Meeting is---

Thursday, April 9, 2015
6:30 p.m.
Room 205

University Christian Church
2720 So. University Drive
Fort Worth, Texas

Program: "Water Conservation -- Indoors and Out"

Rita Beving, Clean Water Fund, Dallas
David Foster, Clean Water Fund & Clean Water Action, Austin

In addition, all five candidates for the Tarrant Regional Water District Board have been invited to attend and speak briefly about their platforms.

Rita Beving and David Foster will present "Water Conservation - Indoors and Out."  Their presentation will talk briefly about the current state of the drought in Texas and touch on water planning as it relates to DFW.
The discussion will then pivot to water conservation tips for both indoor and outdoor use including a bill passed last session that affects landscaping rules for HOAs throughout the state.  

Rita Beving is currently the North Texas Outreach Coordinator for Clean Water Fund and resides in Dallas. David Foster is the director of Clean Water Fund and Clean Water Action in Austin.

Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 3, 2015

Austin wants to be your City Council

Local control is a Texan value

Write your state House rep. to protect local control

Dear Betsy,

Texans have fought and died for their right to govern themselves.

Now politicians in Austin are trying to take that right away from our communities.
After the people of Denton, TX voted to ban fracking, self-proclaimed "enemies of big government" introduced several bills to take away our right to govern ourselves.

The first of those bills is headed to House State Affairs committee this Wednesday. HB540 would require home rule cities to ask for the Attorney General’s permission before passing a municipal ordinance.

But this HB540 isn't just about fracking. Home rule cities would have to get the state Attorney General's permission before passing ANY new law or changing an old one. From indoor smoking bans to plastic ban ordinances and even texting while driving laws.

TAKE ACTION: Write your Representative to stop this Austin power-grab.

Help stop this big government power grab and protect our Texan value of local control!
Thank you,

Sharon Wilson, Texas Organizer

Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 3, 2015

State Affairs Committee Meeting about Eminent Domain Abuse

There will be a hearing with the Texas Senate, State Affairs Committee, on Monday March 9, 2015 at 9:00 AM.  Senate Bill (SB) 474 is on the agenda for this hearing.  SB 474 deals with eminent domain, and requires the condemning authority to pay the legal fees of the victims.  This bill could certainly be stronger, but it does go a long way in protecting people from eminent domain abuses.  Also, this is probably our only chance in getting something like this passed this session, and there seems to be broad support for this bill.  Attached is a copy of the bill, along with the agenda that shows the location of the hearing.

If possible we need as many people as possible to testify in support of this bill.  If you are unable to make it to the hearing, please consider picking up the phone and calling the committee members listed below in support of this legislation.  Please share with your list, so that maybe we can actually come out of this session with something positive.

Senate State Affairs Committee

Clerk: Ashley Brooks
Phone: (512) 463-0380
Sen. Joan Huffman
District: 17
Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0117
District Phone: (281) 980-3500
Vice Chair:    
Sen. Rodney Ellis
District: 13
Capitol Office: CAP 3E.6
Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0113
District Phone: (713) 236-0306
Sen. Brian Birdwell
District: 22
Capitol Office: EXT E1.706
Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0122
District Phone: (254) 772-6225
Sen. Brandon Creighton
District: 4
Capitol Office: EXT E1.606
Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0104
District Phone: (409) 838-9861
Sen. Craig Estes
District: 30
Capitol Office: CAP 3E.18
Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0130
District Phone: (940) 689-0191
Sen. Troy Fraser
District: 24
Capitol Office: CAP 1E.12
Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0124
District Phone: (254) 939-3562
Sen. Jane Nelson
District: 12
Capitol Office: CAP 1E.5
Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0112
District Phone: (817) 424-3446
Charles Schwertner 
District: 5
Capitol Office: EXT E1.806
Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0105
District Phone: (979) 776-0222en.
Sen. Judith Zaffirini
District: 21
Capitol Office: CAP 1E.14
Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0121
District Phone: (956) 722-2293

Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 3, 2015

Trophy Club MUD Receives another Notice of Violation from TCEQ

According to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) website, on February 20, 2015, the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District (MUD) received yet another Notice of Violation for violations at the wastewater treatment plant.

According to TCEQ, these recent violations are the result of the MUD’s, “Failure to prevent the unauthorized discharge of wastewater from the collection system…”, “Failure to maintain the treatment units…”, “Failure to provide notification of any effluent violation, which deviates from the permitted effluent limitation by more than 40 percent.” and “Failure to maintain compliance with the self-reported effluent limitation for ammonia-nitrogen.”.

The data compiled by TCEQ indicates that the Trophy Club MUD has at least 34 violations over the last five years for similar failures to properly operate the wastewater treatment plant.

The latest Notice of Violation was clearly issued to the Trophy Club MUD at 1499 Indian Creek, yet the focus of the February 17 MUD meeting was the developer whose broken sewer pipe overloaded the treatment plant on January 22 and 23 of this year. Taxpayers and customers are probably extremely confused by these latest developments.

The evolving official story about these violations began withMUD Directors claiming in 2009 that the violations were a mistake in the database. By 2012 the story had permutated with Directors claiming that a surprise rule change by TCEQ had caught them off guard. Now in 2015 the story appears to be that third parties are causing the violations. Whatever the story, these well documented violations have continued to plague MUD treatment plant operations through the years.

This story most likely has no happy ending for the taxpayers and MUD customers.  TCEQ states, “The permittee reported three unauthorized discharges from the collection system totaling 7, 000 gallons since the last collection system focused investigation conducted on September 3, 2013.” This quantity of untreated wastewater is obviously bad for the environment and exposes the MUD to potentially severe monetary fines.  According to the EPA region 6 Clean Water Act website, violations of a permit condition can result in fines as high as $32,500 per day for each violation.

TRWD candidate withdraws

TRWD candidate, Andra Beatty, has withdrawn from the race and is said to be supporting Michele VonLuckner and Craig Bickley.

The ballot drawing was held this morning for the 5 candidates.

The VonLuckner and Bickley campaigns look forward to working with Andra and thank her for her interest and continued involvement in local politics!

Game on!

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