Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 8, 2015

Does anyone know?

We just purchased a home close to the corner of May Street and Allen.  There is a large parking area behind the house that probably belongs to JPS.  We remodeled the house and have it rented out at present.

Are there plans to buy more property?  I am thinking they are talking about turning the existing parking lot (on north side
of Allen) into a parking garage.

Could they condemn our investment  via eminent domain if they decide to expand south?

Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 8, 2015

Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 8, 2015

Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 7, 2015

What's the difference in Dallas and Fort Worth?

There is none!

Basic Dallas Dilemma Is Still Whether to Fix the Toilet or Park a BMW Out Front

Two recent city documents to call to your attention: 1) showing that we have spent almost $610 million so far on the Trinity River project, which is mainly unbuilt, and 2) showing that we need to spend $121 million, which we supposedly don’t have, just to stop our terrible street system from falling apart even worse.

Both are below.

Think of the Trinity River project — with its “signature” bridge designed by a Spanish architect and its white water feature that nobody can use because it was so poorly designed – as a shiny new BMW convertible parked in the driveway in front of our condo for everyone to see. Now think about our decaying street system. That’s a toilet we have to flush with a bucket.

The BMW parked outside and the malfunctioning plumbing inside together make a statement about the values of the kind of people who have had their hands on the levers of power at Dallas City Hall for decades. They would rather have toilets that won’t work — I suspect they would rather shoot themselves — than not have a car that makes them look rich.

I don’t believe for a minute that those are the values of the vast middle and working classes of people who really live in our neighborhoods, as opposed to people who live in the wealthy enclave communities of Highland Park and University Park. In the Park Cities, sure: rather than drive a 5-year-old Hyundai to raise the money for new plumbing, he’ll use the backyard.

But we in the city have been trying to elect somebody who would fix the damn streets since 2002. When Laura Miller ran for mayor that year on a platform of basic restoration of infrastructure, she was mocked and derided as “Mayor Pothole” by the old guard money, as spoken for by groups like the private Dallas Citizens Council.

Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 7, 2015

More Tarrant County Money

(Note - while this is from a Republican group, be advised, it is yet another nonpartisan Tarrant county issue!)

Texans are fed up with politicians who refuse to listen. Unfortunately it’s happening locally in Tarrant County.

The county commissioners’ court hopes to ram through a $809 million debt deal next week to help finance expansion and renovations to John Peter Smith (JPS) Hospital Network. Officials have not entertained alternatives.

Before agreeing to seek public input on May 26th, County Judge Glen Whitley (R) tried to place the bond on November’s ballot before conducting town halls.

In response, the Tarrant County Republican Party has unanimously passed a resolution opposing the debt deal.

A myriad of unanswered questions remain, including faulty financial projections underlying empty promises. Residents have been shut out of the process, and town hall meetings raised more questions than they answered.

But there’s still time to stop the county commissioners’ rubber-stamping the debt deal. Tarrant County residents should make their voice heard by signing a petition to county commissioners.

We will print each petition individually and hand-deliver it to Tarrant County officials. And we will let signers know when their petition has been delivered so you can demand a response.

Far too often, we get the government we ignore. Voting is not enough—an accountable government requires active citizen engagement in governing process.

Sincerely Yours,
Ross Kecseg
Metroplex Bureau
Texans for Fiscal Responsibility

Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 7, 2015

JPS Bond Alert Meetings to Attend

The District is seeking comments and input on the proposed plan from the general public. Five Town Hall Meetings are scheduled throughout the county for the convenience of interested residents.

From Commissioner Andy Nguyen...

"Tarrant County Hospital District (aka John Peter Smith Hospital Network - "JPS") would like to issue an $809 million dollar bond package. In keeping with my commitment to transparency and prior to the vote at Commissioner's Court to call for a November bond election, I would like to get your insight on this hospital bond initiative.  You can review the particulars on the bond package here 

You can also find additional information on the JPS Healthcare website.

JPS and I will be holding public hearings on Tuesday, July 21 from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. at the Arlington Subcourthouse located at 700 E. Abram St., and on Wednesday, July 22 from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. at the Mansfield City Hall in the City Council Chamber located at 1200 E. Broad St. (There are additional meetings scheduled around the county.) Translation services will be available for our Spanish- and Vietnamese-speaking constituents.

It's your turn to let us know what you think. This is your county, this is your hospital district and this is your money.  What are we doing right? What needs to be improved? Where are the gaps and how can we fix them? We need you to join us and give us your feedback!

Please share this information with your friends and family."
Warm regards,  Andy

Two meetings left...
Tuesday, July 21, 6 p.m.
Arlington Subcourthouse
700 East Abram St.
Arlington, TX 76010

Wednesday, July 22, 6 p.m.
Mansfield City Council Chambers
1200 East Broad Street
Mansfield, TX 76063

Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 7, 2015

Psst - Hey, Dallas. You're still downstream

The Dallas Observer is writing about their Trinity River project again and about the complete ineptness of the US Corp of Engineers (aka the same people who built the levees in New Orleans).

Jim Schutze is having a hard time getting the flood number for the Corp.  Maybe he should ask the NCTCOG for the Fort Worth Congresswoman's number instead.  He can ask about her son's project, Trinity Uptown, Central City, Trinity River Vision, Panther Island Pavilion, whatever they are calling it today.  He can ask what's going to happen in Dallas when the levees come down and the river is rerouted in Fort Worth.  He can ask how much experience and education her son has in hydrology.  He can also ask WHY the million dollar model of TRV (built in Vancouver) had to be redone...perhaps because the channel wasn't big enough to accommodate the water downtown?  If he's bored he can also ask what floating with alligators has to do with flood control.

Get ready Dallas, we're headed your way. And if you live on those lakes currently draining floodwaters to Dallas, YOU need to pay attention.

We need to rethink everything we thought we knew about flood control, which is everything we thought we knew about real estate development, which is everything we thought we knew about community.

If we think the flood problems we’ve seen this season have been bad, and if we don’t do anything about them, we’re in for a real nightmare in years soon to come. 

But here’s the real news. If the city of Dallas and the Army Corps of Engineers proceed with their plans for the Trinity River downtown, all of those flooding problems around the upstream lakes will get significantly worse.

How much worse? Well, we have a problem there. The impact of the Corps’ Dallas Floodway Extension Program on upstream flooding depends on a certain number. We used to know that number. Now the Corps says they can’t find the number any more. It disappeared. Even with all their engineers and scientists, they just can’t come up with that number now.

That’s completely crazy. They cannot not know. In fact they have to know with precision how much the new levees will back up the water downtown. This is speculation on my part, but the only reason I can imagine for them not to give me the number is fear. They must be afraid, during this time of flood emergency, that releasing the number will set off a grassroots rebellion in the communities around the upstream lakes.

In the current flood emergency, Mother Nature has said, “Look at the lakes, still 10 to 25 feet above flood stage weeks after the first heavy rains. Think about a 25-year-old scheme based on data and assumptions already proven by history to be materially wrong. Then think about the fact that Dallas still intends to do something to make things materially worse.” 

Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 6, 2015

Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 6, 2015

Speaking of Fracking

We have a new hero. 92 year old Violet Palmer was arrested in Denton this week for protesting.

WHAT was she protesting?  The fact that Denton citizens voted to ban fracking, then so called “conservative” Austin politicians took that right away with HB40.  The same politicians who take loads of money from the industry for their campaigns.

Unlike many of the Texas politicians, Violet felt motivated to actually do something.

"I did feel compelled," she said. "I feel like I must do something."

Palmer, who is blind, said the officers were courteous and she was never handcuffed. Police said it is unlikely charges will actually be pressed.

Palmer said she is outraged that a new state law from Austin essentially voids Denton's local ban on fracking, which was passed overwhelmingly by voters in November.

"Really, there is so little I can do, but I do it by protesting," she said.

You can see Palmer here

No fracking joke reports on the fracking blowout in Arlington and the “unacceptable behavior” by the company who should be responsible for it.

Arlington officials report on fracking fluid blowout

Voter/buyer/citizen beware.

And if you ever want to know what goes on “behind the walls” at a drill site, see the video too.Two months ago, 100 homes in Arlington had to be evacuated as fracking fluid spilled out of a drilling site onto the city streets.

….42,800 gallons of fracking fluid — boiling up from thousands of feet underground — spewed into the streets and into Arlington storm sewers and streams.

According to the report, Vantage Energy first contacted 911 nearly two hours after fracking water first started to spill. What's more, the call to 911 came not from the site, but from corporate headquarters in Pennsylvania.

"This is unacceptable behavior," said City Council member Robert Rivera. "The citizens of Arlington do not appreciate the lack of ability to control the site."

…But this was not included in the city's report: Records uncovered by News 8 of another 1,500-gallon spill at the same site one month earlier.

Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 6, 2015

And Texans say Californians are soft…

At least they are trying to clean up their Water Board.  WHAT are YOU doing Tarrant County?

"The legislation, which now goes to the governor, would bar elected water board members throughout California from accepting campaign contributions of more than $250 from donors with business pending before their boards," the Los Angeles Times reported.

"Tom Calderon once worked as a consultant to the Central Basin Municipal Water District and earned $12,000 a month, according to [court testimony]. Allegations…claim his contract was paid through a $2.75 million secret slush fund created by the district," the report said.

California Lawmakers Take Aim At Water Board Corruption

Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 6, 2015

WHAT is going on in Arlington?

Another example of another woman, sacrificing her time, in her community to make a difference.  Instead of praising her or her accomplishments, they are labeling her as 'disruptive'.  Says WHO? With what proof? Don't fall for the BS, instead, Arlington residents should ask WHY a productive volunteer is being bullied.....

Last week I was called into the Asst. City Manager's office and asked to resign my position on the Arlington Animal Advisory Board for being "disruptive". I declined to resign as I feel I have not been disruptive in the least and have actually worked really hard within the system. When I first saw the state of our city's shelter back in 2012, instead of calling the news stations and picketing city hall, I joined FAAS and became a shelter volunteer so that I could help hands on. Any issues brought to us, we brought directly to shelter staff and did our best to work within the "system". It has been hard to keep our volunteers motivated and Marnie and I acted as buffers for most of them when they had issues. Below is a letter I sent today to Mayor and Council as they will be voting next week on a resolution at the City Council Meeting (ironically the meeting where they are honoring volunteer board members) to remove me for my final year. I wasn't going to post publicly, but since my removal will be in a public meeting felt that my side should also be heard. It is funny, I have never been described as disruptive in my life. The new Board Chair stated she got on the Board to support the Staff and not push a personal agenda. I don't believe asking for changes that will save lives is a personal agenda, it should be the priority of all who support or work for our shelter.

Dear Mayor Williams and Council,

I have served on the Animal Advisory board for three years. In our first two years, many great things were accomplished such as the Trap-Neuter-Return Resolution which has saved thousands of lives, drastically decreased intake into Arlington Animal Services, and saved our city a lot of money. Arlington led the way for this program in DFW and it has become standard for most of the other shelters in the area, after our success. Our volunteer group, Friends of Arlington Animal Services, rescued over 1,800 cats from AAS in the first 18 months. We raised over $150,000 to spay/neuter, rabies vaccinate, and return over 2,500 cats to their communities and opened the only low cost spay/neuter clinic in Arlington.

We were asked by staff to wait a year to see what needed to be tweaked in the current Resolution, so after the first year we came to staff with our recommendations. We were told this was an issue for the Board to discuss and make a recommendation. So as a Board member, I have made multiple presentations and I have attached them to this e-mail.

• The stray hold for “feral” cats. Only 1.3% of cats brought to the shelter are reclaimed by owners. It is a waste of tax payer money to hold these cats, in addition they are more likely to become sick as they are highly stressed. The goal of the stray hold is to help the cat find his owner, but with a Shelter-Neuter-Return program the cat is immediately returned to his home, but sterilized and vaccinated.
• Reducing intake of cats into the shelter by redefining a nuisance as a measurable behavior rather than the simple presence of a cat, which would give ACOs more authority in the field.
• Fearful Dogs, I was told this issue was out of staff’s hands and not a Board issue so I did not pursue. We will be approaching the COA Legal department to discuss. 11 dogs in May were EUed for being scared.
Video of Fearful Dog Presentation:
• In the last meeting under future business I asked that we look into why the Canine Live Release Rate is still dropping and if it and the decrease in volunteer hours has anything to do with the new socialization protocols which limits how many pets volunteers can socialize. I was told this was not a board issue.

I was recently asked by Dr. Bowman to resign my position on the ASCAB due to my being “disruptive”. I have declined resigning as I feel that is not true. All the items I have brought to the Board I have discussed with staff prior to presenting, asked to be on the agenda and provided any information that was requested. At no time were there raised voices or even disagreements, so I am confused by this request. I was born in Arlington and bought my first home here to raise my son, I have volunteered thousands of hours at Arlington Animal Services as a Lead volunteer and with FAAS. I don’t feel that introducing topics of discussion, after first discussing with staff and being told to introduce, is disruptive. Dr. Bowman and I discussed that persistent might be a better word, but little action has been taken by the board this year and no votes on any issue so I have had to be persistent. After each presentation I was asked to provide more information, or less information, which I complied with every time and often given time limits. We have had a good working relationship with Staff to discuss issues pertaining to the animals at AAS which is why we do not create disturbances by going to the media, encouraging protests or petitions, or even coming to you as Council for issues that can be handled on a Staff level. I have worked through “the system” for years in Arlington because my dream for Arlington is for us to be the safest city in America for our pets and a lot of our citizens want that too. I and FAAS have kept all marketing and media about the shelter positive, whether on social media or with the press. We have been a buffer between citizens and volunteers and Staff and Council by addressing issues directly with Staff in a professional manner.

I have never understood why the Shelter Manager has a voting position on the Animal Shelter Advisory Board and now another city employee is the Chair person who controls what can be discussed. There are important issues that should be handled by staff, but they asked me to bring to the Board and with my removal none of these items will be addressed. How are we to proceed? I only missed one meeting in three years, despite feeling very disrespected this year. This Citizen Advisory Board, I believe, should be focused on the pets of Arlington and their welfare as well as representing our citizen’s concerns about how the pets of our city are treated and the efficiency of our shelter. I got on the Board initially to help with the 5 year plan that Council requested be written 8 years ago. We were told a year ago, that Staff would be writing the plan instead but have not seen anything. I would also suggest that a public comment section be added to these meetings, citizens are not allowed to speak at any time unless on the agenda. I am attaching the current statistics from AAS to show how much improvement has happened in the last few years, and areas that have the most potential to improve - 80% (176) of the cats euthanized in May were unweaned kittens. TNR is already making a huge impact on intake, but in the mean time, foster programs and good relationships with rescues are needed. Thank you for your time, please give me a call to discuss or I would be happy to meet with you.


Kelli Eaves
Friends of Arlington Animal Services
FAAS Co-Director

Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 6, 2015

YOU are invited

1985 - 2015


Please join us for the quarterly League General Membership Meeting 
Thursday, June 11, 2015 6:30 p.m. 
University Christian Church 
2720 South University Drive Room 205

Program:  "Impact of the 84th Texas Legislature on Your Neighborhood"

Speaker:  Zac Trahan, DFW Program Director of Environment Texas

He will speak specifically on HB 40, legislation providing that the state  has preemption authority over oil and gas regulations.  The new law holds that current and proposed city and other  political  subdivision ordinances that place regulations on oil and gas activities are only allowed if they are commercially reasonable.

There will also be an overview of the legislative session as a whole and its impact on cities and neighborhoods.

To learn more, go to these suggested sites:

Issues of Local Control

Guide to the 84th Texas Legislative Session

Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 6, 2015

“Fort Worth looks at new ways to deal with flooding”

That’s the title of the story, about which we all know is BS.

Mayor Betsy Price says an updated plan is overdue, as showcased by the past few weeks.

Fort Worth doesn’t look at fixing flooding issues, if you’ve been following along on the blog, you know, if Nothing is ever done, it just gets worse.

Mayor Price wants to help.  Wasn’t the 10 year old Trinity River Vision supposed to help?  Oh, wait, they are now Panther Island Pavillion.  Where you can float in the contaminated river, while you listen to Free concerts that YOU are paying for.

Remember the faces of this family, all but one died in the Wimberley flood.  Remember for when it happens again in Tarrant County.  It’s just a matter of time.

And just FYI Dallas, you are downstream…

Funny, just a few short years ago in another article on Price had this to say about the project to “take the levees down”.

Betsy Price, chairwoman of Streams and Valleys, a nonprofit that advocates for more recreational opportunities at the Trinity River, said this project will do much to bring people closer to the water.

Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 5, 2015

Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 5, 2015

Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 5, 2015

We gave you more credit than that…

We had no idea just how full of sheep Fort Worth was.  Nor how cheap Water Board seats and people could be.

We noticed Jim Lane talked about getting the Cats back playing ball in his victory speech.  He didn’t mention anything about any of you being underwater, literally.  Or that he used YOUR money to pay twice what the ball field was worth.

You get what you pay for, Tarrant County.  We hope your walk around money covers your flood insurance.

Sleep tight!

Thứ Sáu, 8 tháng 5, 2015

Thứ Năm, 7 tháng 5, 2015

Did the TRWD Just Lie to Voters?? Again??

End the insanity.

Vote Craig Bickley and Michele Von Luckner on Saturday.

TRWD, Jim Lane and Marty Leonard Attempt to Fool Voters with False Statements

Integrated Pipeline has NOT received SWIFT Funding

Tarrant County, Texas (May 7, 2015) – “The Tarrant Regional Water District (TRWD) has once again attempted to manipulate the press and voters with false information,” said Craig Bickley, candidate for the TRWD Board of Directors in regards to the Water District’s May 6, 2015 press release stating that the TRWD “has been awarded $440 million by the state.” (The entirety of the TRWD’s release can be read here: Integrated Pipeline receives $440 million in SWIFT funding.

However, as a press release issued by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) stated and Chairman of the TWDB Board Carlos Rubenstein stressed during the Board’s May 6 meeting, the TWDB has only “approved the prioritized list of applications” and “will invite the project sponsors to submit detailed applications...After that, applications will undergo the standard thorough TWDB review process, and each application must be presented to and approved by the Board.” (The entirety of the TWDB’s release can be read here:

“Has the TRWD tried to pull a fast one on us? There is a clear and huge discrepancy between being invited to APPLY for funding and actually receiving some funding for the Integrated Pipeline from the TWDB,” said TRWD board candidate Michele Von Luckner after reading the press release. “The fact that Jim Lane and Marty Leonard have gone on record to say that they have actually secured some of the project’s funding, when that is clearly not the case, is troublesome.

Two weeks ago the TRWD mailed it’s “Annual Report” to municipal voters only and yesterday (5/5/15) the Trinity River Vision annual update was received by voters in their mailboxes. Today we see the TRWD release a false press release and quote the two incumbents. This is wrong and potentially illegal. There is a long pattern of disregard for the law and using public taxpayer funds to electioneer for the incumbents.

“We encourage all of the voters in the TRWD’s voting district to vote for us this Saturday, May 9. It’s time to bring honesty, integrity and common sense to the TRWD Board. It’s time for change,” said Craig Bickley.

Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 5, 2015

Blake Woodard says...

Fellow Fort Worth citizens:

I invite you to participate in a historic moment for our city. A sea change – or more appropriately, a lake change – is coming to Fort Worth on May 9 in the Tarrant Regional Water District (TRWD) election. This change is long overdue.

You’ve found the flyers on your door or in your mailbox, or perhaps you’ve seen the ads in the Star-Telegram, with Mayor Betsy Price and former Mayor Mike Moncrief warning you that a Dallas businessman is trying to take control of Tarrant’s Water Board. The businessman is my friend Monty Bennett, whose company owns two landmark downtown Fort Worth hotels that pay far more Fort Worth property taxes than either of the mayors, and who, like me, is supporting Michele Von Luckner and Craig Bickley for the TRWD Board.

Betsy and Mike are trying to divert your attention away from the real Dallas threat to Fort Worth citizens. Here’s what Betsy and Mike don’t want you to know:

• Moncrief raised $500,000 (so far) from an exclusive group of North Texas millionaires & billionaires, cashing in chips with his richest friends. If the incumbents get re-elected, these are the people who will continue to influence the Water Board. It sure won’t be you and me.
• Yours and my names were not on Mike’s Rolodex®, but five Dallas billionaires were. Don’t you think it’s hypocritical of Mike and Betsy to stuff our mailboxes with mailers warning about one Dallas businessman when they have stuffed their coffers with donations from five Dallas billionaires?
• Why are five Dallas billionaires eager to hand former Fort Worth Mayor Moncrief hundreds of thousands of dollars to finance his friends’ perpetual control of Fort Worth’s Water Board? Perhaps it’s because the TRWD Board is planning on spending $2.3 billion of your money to build a pipeline that forever will connect Fort Worth’s two prize east-Texas lakes to Dallas’ suffering water system. You’ve seen the severe water restrictions that Dallas-area residents have suffered the last two years. Some communities can water their lawns only once every two weeks. Thanks to the TRWD leaders from the 1960’s and 1970’s who built Cedar Creek and Richland Chambers reservoirs, Fort Worth is in much better shape. Once that “Integrated Pipeline” (IPL) is built, Dallas forever will have access to Fort Worth’s water. The IPL adds no water to TRWD lakes. TRWD’s own needs assessment shows that the IPL is a big win for Dallas but could exacerbate Fort Worth water shortages. Does that sound like a good deal to you? Isn’t buying Dallas a $2.3 billion pipeline to Fort Worth’s lakes like giving North Korean hackers the password to your computer firewall?
• Given Mayor Price’s and the TRWD incumbents’ passion for regional (Dallas-imposed?) water restrictions, this permanent connection of Fort Worth’s lakes to Dallas should concern you greatly. Dallas’ new pipeline into TRWD’s lakes + Mayor Price’s regionalism = Loss of Fort Worth’s water sovereignty.

In another flyer, Mayor Price tells you that we have the best water board in Texas. The best? I have higher standards than Mayor Price. Here’s my TRWD Board report card:

• They get an A for their east-Texas wetlands project.
• They get an inherited A for the outstanding employees of the Water District, many of whom, including one of my friends, have worked there decades to provide us water.
• They have failed to buy Oklahoma’s surplus water, dealing so poorly with our neighbors to the north that they ended up in a costly, losing federal lawsuit.
• They have failed to supervise the TRWD’s general manager, who among other incidents interjected himself into the 2013 TRWD election by sending hateful, belittling emails to one of the candidates from the TRWD’s email server. You might have gotten fired, but the incumbents did nothing. I think the incumbents are intimidated by this man. I think he needs supervision.
• They have failed to respect your private property rights, lobbying State Rep. Charlie Geren to sponsor a bill that gave the TRWD exclusive eminent domain rights to take your land for economic development, even if miles from any water. They then abused these eminent domain privileges to take your neighbors’ land for the $1 billion Trinity River Vision project.
• They have failed at transparency, only lifting the veil slightly when Mary Kelleher joined the TRWD Board in 2013. Mary needs two more votes on the board to effect change.
• They have failed to focus on water supply and flood control and have been distracted for years by Trinity River Vision, a sweetheart-deal restaurant, and other economic development.
• They have failed at conservation, insisting on top-down, big-government water restrictions, window-dressed with a silly Lawn Whisperer campaign that is pointless when citizens have no flexibility. Conservation works best when the citizens buy in. Yet in 2014, TRWD officials and Bryan Eppstein (TRWD’s lobbyist and the incumbents’ and Mayor Price’s political consultant) aggressively lobbied your city council to reject even a pilot project to test my conservation plan, the Woodard Plan1, which may increase conservation with less government.
• They have failed to trust you. Ask the incumbents if they trust you enough to give you the Woodard Plan. They were desperate to kill the Woodard Plan, because they are afraid that you will waste water if given the slightest flexibility. So they told the City Council on 4/8/2014 that if it approved the Woodard Plan, the state would deny any more inter-basin pipelines and lakes for Fort Worth. This assertion was completely fabricated, but it succeeded in swinging the Council’s vote against the Woodard Plan. You are seeing similar scare tactics in their campaign. When leaders don’t trust you, they do desperate things. Michele Von Luckner and Craig Bickley represent change. They are smart young business people, who like you and me are raising families in Tarrant County. None of their donors hopes to make a buck off of TRWD contracts. They want transparent government. They are passionate about conservation and ample water supply. They don’t want the TRWD taking your property for its next economic development idea. They want TRWD focusing on water, water, water. And they trust you. You will be proud to have Michele and Craig represent you on the TRWD Board. You get two votes for the TRWD Board on May 9 (early voting runs April 27 through May 5). Please join me in voting for Michele Von Luckner and Craig Bickley. I encourage you to visit their websites to make a donation or request a yard sign: and

Blake Woodard
1 - For a copy of the Woodard Plan, please e-mail me at

Mary Kelleher says.....

Dear Friends,

Thank you again for taking the time to read my story and for your phone calls, e-mails, and most of all your support! I’m so blessed!!

Most of you were surprised I answered the phone, which says a lot about the sorry state of our political world. I really enjoyed the opportunity to get to visit with you, talk with you about my story, and answer your questions.

Many of you asked me to write another letter with additional information about this election. I’m flattered and glad you want to know more.  I’ve learned so much being on the TRWD Board and I’m happy to share what I know with you!

I guess first off, I need to prepare you for the nasty mailer you will be receiving within the next few days. Wow…politics are so ugly!

Just FYI…the incumbent’s political strategist is Bryan Eppstein.  Here’s a link to information on this man.  If you want insight into Fort Worth politics, read this, you’ll be absolutely amazed!

The mailer depicts Craig Bickley, Michele Von Luckner, and me as puppets for the evil puppet master Monty Bennett. It’s hard to believe people actually fall for this kind of stuff!

Michele Von Luckner is portrayed as a dead beat who doesn’t pay her bills, doesn’t vote in local elections, and uses a different name (Hojnacki…her maiden name).

Craig Bickley is criticized for not being able to vote in this race (well many of you can’t) and for running for election once before and losing.  (Incumbent Jim Lane has lost the last 3 races he has run.)

I’m being accused of “falsely attacking” my colleagues.  I guess I could do that, but it’s not really in my nature so I won’t.
I’m also under investigation by the Texas Ethics Commission for “not disclosing hundreds of thousands of dollars of in-kind campaign contributions funded by Bennett.”  The truth:  I didn’t know I needed to file a campaign finance report in July so I filed it a day late.

It’s also being said I was censured for “making false statements to the Fort Worth City Council”.  The truth:  I advocated for a water conservation plan that would allow citizens the right to choose when they want to water their lawns.  This plan was contrary to TRWD’s. I guess I don’t have the right to my own opinion!

It’s also being said “the Tarrant County DA confirmed that Kelleher and Bennett traveled together on an out-of-state trip to New Orleans that was funded by Bennett.”  The truth: I traveled with Monty Bennett and several others to observe a court hearing at the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals which addressed alleged violations by the TRWD of the Texas Open Meetings Act.  The attorney hired by TRWD with taxpayer dollars asked the Tarrant County DA to indict me for this, but the Tarrant County DA refused and explained to this attorney that there was nothing illegal about it.  

Monty Bennett is being accused of forcing “TRWD taxpayers to spend an additional $6 to $10 million on rerouting a critically needed water pipeline away from his weekend ranch that he uses for para-military hog hunting.” The truth:  This route of the pipeline is a TRWD decision.  And what exactly is para-military hog hunting?

The incumbents state, “To date, Bennett has lost ALL of the lawsuits he has funded against TRWD.”  The truth: Texas Supreme Court is still reviewing TRWD’s assertion they have sovereign immunity from the Texas Open Meetings Act.

I think the worst one is that “Bennett has even stooped to an ALL TIME LOW by relocating bodies of deceased individuals into a phony cemetery.” The truth: A World War II veteran and another person are laid to rest on Monty Bennett’s property. It’s his property after-all.  TRWD will be the ones forcing the relocation of the deceased.

Many of you were surprised to learn that the majority of our water comes from east Texas where TRWD owns 100% of the water rights to Richland Chambers and Cedar Creek reservoirs. TRWD already operates 2 pipelines; one at Richland Chambers reservoir and another at Cedar Creek reservoir. These pipelines transport water to a larger pipeline that delivers water to our area lakes where it’s held for future use.  TRWD does not sell treated water. We sell raw water to our customer cities which in turn treat it and then sell it to you.

You wanted more information about the IPL (Integrated Pipeline). The IPL is a collaborative effort between Dallas Water Utilities and TRWD to build another major pipeline that will bring water from Lake Palestine to the metroplex.  Sharing this pipeline will result in reduced construction costs and electricity use. The projected cost of the IPL project is approximately $2.4 billion. TRWD is responsible for about 60% of the costs and Dallas 40%. This pipeline will be able to transport 200 million gallons of water per day to the TRWD area and 150 million gallons of water per day to Dallas. TRWD will construct, maintain, and own the pipeline. Dallas has water rights to Lake Palestine, but it’s so far away the electricity needed to transport the water makes it very costly. As part of the agreement, Dallas would be allowed to purchase up to 25% of their water needs from our reservoirs if it’s available.  This is the part causing the uproar as the idea of selling our water to Dallas is not very popular.

Some of you said you had heard Craig Bickley and Michele Von Luckner were against the IPL project and, if elected, Tarrant County will go dry. This is ridiculous and just more campaign fiction. Craig Bickley and Michele Von Luckner do have questions about Dallas being able to tap into our water supply but they’re certainly not against a pipeline that will bring water to our area. Craig Bickley and Michele Von Luckner are however, against the way TRWD misuses their power of eminent domain and want to make sure all private property owners, from Dallas businessmen to farmers, are treated respectfully throughout the eminent domain process.

Another very popular discussion centered around the difference between the public servant and politician. It seems many of us are fed up with our politicians these days and justifiably so. While we want more public servants, it’s hard to beat an incumbent, especially when he/she has money, name, and status in the community.  It’s even more difficult when the incumbent’s supporters do as well. This race is a perfect example of this. We’re seeing expensive mailers and huge ads in the Star Telegram from politicians Mike Moncrief, Betsy Price, and Glen Whitley who are telling us how to vote. These politicians are so arrogant they actually believe we just blindly vote as they tell us to, as if we don’t have a mind of our own. Many of you talked about your or your family’s military service and how you object to these politicians (most of whom have never served their country) telling you how to vote. My father fought in the Korean War, my father-in-law fought in Pearl Harbor, my husband’s great grandfather fought in the Civil War, and my husband fought in Vietnam and I take exception to these people telling me how to vote too.

Many of you wanted more information about Monty Bennett, the Dallas businessman Mike Moncrief and Betsy Price claim is trying to steal our water. After I explained to you that Monty Bennett has been a property owner and tax payer in Fort Worth for more than 20 years and owns the historic Ashton and Hilton hotels in downtown Fort Worth you realized right away what Mike Moncrief and Betsy Price were trying to do.  But this is politics and this is what politicians do…..they fabricate, deceive, and manipulate the people and then pompously presume people will do as they say simply because of who they are.

Many of you were shocked when I told you Mike Moncrief had solicited almost a half of a million dollars in donations from at least 5 Dallas billionaires while Craig Bickley and Michele Von Luckner are being criticized for accepting campaign contributions from Monty Bennett, a businessman who lives in Dallas but owns property and pays taxes in Fort Worth, and, who along with many others, has been legitimately wronged by the TRWD’s misuse of their power of eminent domain.

According to Leonard and Lane’s campaign finance reports, they have received donations from people and businesses with whom TRWD gives contracts. Here are the high-roller donors: the Betsy Price Campaign ($4,500); attorney Dee J. Kelly ($10,000) with whom TRWD regularly contracts; businessman John B. Kleinheinz ($25,000); Dallas auto dealership owner Carl Sewell ($25,000); Dallas-based liquor distributor Barry Andrews ($10,000); Texas Rangers co-owner and Dallas oil billionaire Ray Davis ($10,000); Dallas oil billionaire Ray Hunt ($25,000); Hunt heiress Lyda Hill ($5,000); Dallas software entrepreneur Milledge Hart III ($5,000); Dallas oil billionaire Trevor Rees-Jones ($10,000); Wal-Mart heiress Alice Walton ($25,000); Bass family Good Government Fund ($25,000); Bass family PSEL PAC ($25,000); Texas Progress Fund/Ross Perot, Jr. ($25,000) and Ed Bass ($25,000).

The most spirited conversations were definitely the conspiracy theories as to why these 2 TRWD seats are so important to the 7th street good ole’ boy establishment that they’re willing to spend a half of a million dollars. I’m so glad you see through their desperation.

This race truly is about the public servant vs. the politician.  I hope and pray the public servants get elected.  No pressure but it all depends on you. I’m encouraged by your support for Craig Bickley and Michele Von Luckner. They will serve you well.

This is going to be a difficult election to win. We’re up against big money and big names and unfortunately some people still vote for the incumbents just because they tell them to.

I've included a link to the documentary “Up a Creek”.  This was filmed here in 2011 by local people who discovered how our local politics affect our water issues. Unfortunately, it’s 2015 and not much has changed. This film later went on to win an award in the Conservation category at the Glen Rose Film Festival.  Just watch the first 5 minutes…you’ll be amazed by what you will hear.

Please be part of TRWD election history and vote public servants Craig Bickley and Michele Von Luckner onto the TRWD Board. Tell your friends and family and neighbors how important it is to vote in this race. It’s time to show the politicians we’re not their servants, they’re supposed to be ours.

Mary Kelleher

P.S. Feel free to contact me on my cell phone number at (817) 880-5419 and/or email  Early voting starts today and the election is May 9th!

Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 5, 2015

Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 4, 2015

Monty says.....

"I remain perplexed about why the incumbents are so obsessed with my support of the challengers in the TRWD election, especially considering that the incumbents have the financial support of 5 Dallas billionaires and a few Fort Worth ones too. Instead of these strange, obviously erroneous assertions about dead bodies, shouldn't they be talking about the real issues, such as clean, abundant water and flood control? Their total avoidance of the issues that matter is one of many reasons why I do support Craig Bickley & Michele von Luckner."

Though we wonder why WFAA didn't say, the incumbents backed out of the forum they had committed to attend.

If they can't keep their commitments, WHY would YOU want to keep them on the board?

Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 4, 2015

Clyde says....

In a Letter to the Editor in the Star-Telegram--

Buying water board?

Something is wrong with this picture!

Item: The Tarrant Regional Water District with its subordinate Trinity River Vision Authority bought a 37.679-acre parcel near LaGrave Field for $16 million, ostensibly for flood control. The full 50 acres, appraised at $11 million, has significant environmental issues. However, TRWD/TRVA chose to avoid eminent domain and pay a premium price.

Item: After deriding a Dallas resident who owns property in Fort Worth and supports water board challengers, it turns out that board incumbents have received 11 contributions from Dallas residents (including billionaires) for $104,000 and eight contributions from outside Fort Worth for another $72,400.

To add insult to injury, the same PAC spent $108,424.76 in Dallas and Austin for campaign expenses.

Who’s really buying the water board?

— Clyde Picht, Fort Worth

Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 4, 2015

Woodard says....

Dozens of citizens lost their property to the Trinity River Boondoggle. They had the will to preserve their property but did not have the wherewithal to continue the fight.

Eminent Domain! It’s been around a very long time. Its use is recorded in the Bible in the story of Ahab and Jezebel, who coveted and seized poor Naboth’s property. (KJV 1st Kings – Chapter 21).

Dozens of our citizens through the use of eminent domain lost their property to the nepotistic Trinity River Boondoggle which they believe was more for economic development than for flood control. They had the will to preserve their property. They did not have the wherewithal to continue the long fight against their government. They fought bravely, but like the defenders of the Alamo their meager provisions ran out and they were financially slaughtered.

Now comes along Monty Bennett, a man of wealth will who will not be bulldozed or bamboozled by those who hold the levers of authority in their hands. He supports Craig Bickley and Michele Von Luckner for the Water Board. The incumbents are running big ads that blare forth: DON’T LET A DALLAS BUSINESSMAN TAKE CONTROL OF TARRANT’S WATER BOARD.

Bennett’s answer, as reported by a local newspaper: “The entrenched incumbents continue to try and scare the voters with grandiose stories about an evil Dallasite trying to steal their water. This is absurd. For the record, I have no interest in Fort Worth’s water, or the Trinity River Vision or the Integrated Pipeline project. I’ve successfully blocked the TRWD from snatching my mother’s family land in east Texas. My only interest now is to help Mary Kelleher continue the fight against a heavy handed government agency with numerous allegations of corruption, cronyism, and self-dealing, that treats citizens, including me, very poorly while neglecting its core duties of water provision and flood control.”

Bennett is disparaged by his opponents as a Dallas hotelier. True, but the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce could well take note of the fact that Bennett is also a Fort Worth hotelier. He owns the Hilton and Ashton hotels in downtown Fort Worth. Monty Bennett a Dallasite? Horrors! The Chamber might also consider that the Fort Worth Star-Telegram is printed in Dallas but the Fort Worth Chamber reads it just the same.

Texans rose up when the governor of Texas a few years ago proposed a grand multi-lane boulevard all across the state. Its construction would have uprooted farms, ranches and homes from the Gulf to the Red River. Like those Texans at San Jacinto on April 21, 1836, today’s Texans fought and defeated Rick Perry’s land grab, and the Perry super highway was consigned to the dust bin of history.

Even now, ranchers and farmers are up in arms over a proposal to build a bullet train railroad from Dallas to Houston. They are ready to do whatever it takes to preserve their property.

In the 1700s, William Pitt, the prime minister of England, stood up to King George III. Pitt is remembered for his powerful defense of the rights of American colonists. One of his memorable “a man’s home is his castle” speeches that bespeaks the limits of eminent domain rings down the halls of history:

“The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the Crown. It may be frail – its roof may shake – the wind may blow through it – the storm may enter – the rain may enter – but the King of England cannot enter – all his force dares not cross the threshold of the ruined tenement!”

Don Woodard is a Fort Worth businessman and author of Black Diamonds! Black Gold!: The Saga of Texas Pacific Coal and Oil Company.

Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 4, 2015

You are Invited

An invitation from the Fort Worth Business Press--

As a newspaper, we are trying to separate fact from fiction, both with our news coverage and by arranging a public forum featuring the water board candidates. The forum will be held at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 29, at the Central Library in downtown Fort Worth, 500 W. Third St. (corner of Third and Lamar, two blocks from the Tarrant County Courthouse).

Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 4, 2015

See you Saturday at Prairie Fest on the Tandy HIlls

Prairie to the People!

This Saturday, April 25, the 10th Anniversary of Prairie Fest takes place on Fort Worth's Tandy Hills.

Exit I-30 at Beach Street or Oakland Boulevard and follow the signs pointing the way to the best celebration of the natural world in North Texas.

Music, exhibits, food, fun.

Details at Friends of Tandy Hills Natural Area.

Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 4, 2015

Real people, real letters

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram printed letters from THE PEOPLE with a point.  Surprise!

The Tarrant Regional Water District has delivered its “annual report,” a slick, taxpayer-funded mailer supporting challenged incumbents. It contains not a word on Panther Island, which consumes most of the district’s attention and resources. 

It mentions incumbent Marty Leonard’s bachelor’s degree from Southern Methodist University, and bestows on incumbent Jim Lane the unique title of “secretary pro tem.” 

The four status-quo members are nicely flowered. Mary Kelleher, the only director who has challenged the status quo, and who has led the charge to inject ethics and transparency into this organization, is listed simply as “director,” with no educational credentials. 

With a master’s in educational psychology and certificates in advanced graduate studies, she is likely the most highly educated board member. 

Three challengers – Keith Annis, Craig Bickley and Michele Von Luckner, are vying for Leonard’s and Lane’s seats. We must ensure new blood to clean up this corrupt cesspool. Study up, and vote!

— Mark Greene, Fort Worth

The TRWD owns Eagle Mountain Lake and is responsible for mitigating and removing hazards to navigation in the lake.

Current low water in the channel at Harbor One Marina has exposed a dozen tree stumps that will be a danger to boating when the water level rises and they are no longer visible. This is the perfect time to remove them. 

Their location is known and removal is relatively easy and inexpensive. The board and management of the TRWD have flatly refused to help the boating community with this problem.

TRWD says this removal would expose it to some unspecified liability. Can anyone imagine a lamer, more outlandish excuse? 

The ordinary taxpayer is not an unalloyed beneficiary of the TRWD, but all too often a victim. 

— William S. Wright, Fort Worth

The Water Board Stinks - Part 2

Insanity - Doing the same thing and expecting different results.

Back in 2013 when there was a Tarrant Regional Water District election, one of the incumbents friends told you to "hold your nose and vote for them".

Seems that phrase is back in the "news" for the current incumbents, via a letter to the ST - I urge voters to hold their noses and vote for (incumbents), even though I think they've behaved foolishly.

So, their friends say they are doing a terrible job, they are spending money on things they shouldn't and they've behaved foolishly, but you should vote for them anyway.

Don't be stupid.  Don't be sheep.

Vote Craig Bickley and Michele Von Luckner on May 9th!  They don't smell at all!

Wait! Didn't THEY say that was a bad thing??

Mayor Betsy Price and other past their prime has been officials for years have been jumping up and down shouting and pointing fingers at those running for seats on the Tarrant Regional Water District board.

They try to use the straw man tactic that the evil Dallas Boogeyman wants YOUR water!  They say that's why he donates to elections.  It couldn't be because the evil TRWD is taking his private property, right?

And then lo and behold, a former mayor and Texas Congressman (whose district does NOT include Dallas) spends their time calling around Dallas begging for money.

If you haven't seen the incumbent's campaign finance report, you should take a look.  While they scream and yell that Dallas money is bad, they took money from 6 Dallas businessmen.  Say what??

Of course the Fort Worth Star-Telegram made no mention of this irony (ironic, isn't it?) and said Lane and Lenoard took money from business leaders in "Dallas-Fort Worth".  Thanks for the laugh, ST.

Remember that the next time they tell you Dallas is trying to take control of YOUR water.  While you're at it, request a copy of the IPL (Integrated Pipeline) report (produced in part by the TRWD) that shows the pipeline, which the TRWD is so focused on, takes water TO DALLAS.

You know, that place YOUR mayor joined in with to try and make water restrictions permanent.

Remember this little gem from the FW Weekly in 2012 -

Soon after, Fort Worth’s council discussed water restrictions at a pre-council meeting. They never made it to a vote. Same thing happened in Irving.

A spokesman for Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price said there would be a public hearing during the summer. That never happened either.

Keep in mind what happens when nothing ever gets done.

Stop the insanity -

Vote Craig Bickley and Michele Von Luckner in May!

Chủ Nhật, 12 tháng 4, 2015

What will YOUR mark be?

We recently received the sad news that our fellow blogger, The Whited Sepulchre, was ill and the prognosis grim. It's weighed heavy on our hearts as he isn't just a fellow blogger, he's a dear friend to Texas Lone Star. If you don't know him, you're missing out. Tarrant County is a better place because of him.

He shared his last blog post today, while we're hoping it's not truly his last, it is one everyone should read.

Hats off to you, sir. We are thankful for your friendship.

Till we meet again, don't be safe...

"So please don't ever, ever waste another minute of your wonderful life with "being safe"Take risks. Destroy your perrectly laid-out shop and put in a Specialty Department. (Hello Ray!!) Get involved in politics and put Mary Kelleher to work disrupting the most corrupt institution in Fort Worth  .Raise Hell.  Find some activists to associate with, and bang some pots and pans together in the street.  WIN the Fort Worth Gay Pride parade  and then wake up the nest morning to staff your booth at a gun rights show.  I promise you that if you ever get brain tumors everyone of of those beautiful people you meet will come see you in the hospital."

Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 4, 2015

Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 4, 2015

FWLNA Meeting

Last night's Fort Worth League of Neighborhoods meeting was so interesting.  It's the first time we've seen all 5 TRWD candidates in one place, due to it being the first time we've seen the incumbents out among THE PEOPLE.  They are usually in hiding, or only attending expensive events on the West side of FW.

One incumbent seemed confused on some of the water board issues, one seemed condescending.  (We'll let you use the picture to pick WHO you think that was).  You'd think by spending 9 years each on the board, they'd have learned a thing or two.  Like for instance, being "cute" usually comes back to bite your butt.

For example, Lane asking the challenger's if they knew WHO the Lawn Whisperer was...Craig Bickley assured him, everyone knows who the Lawn Whisperer is, the incumbent's Campaign Consultant...

The challengers did great last night and we will be voting for Craig Bickley and Michele Von Luckner.  It's time to end the insanity at the Tarrant Regional Water District.

Yoohoo, District 2!

Fort Worth City Council finally has a good candidate!  Steve Thorton a financial planner AND a 28 year Fort Worth firefighter is ready to take his seat.

Someone who can bring financial planning to the district?  Who has actually held a job for the city IN the district?


Finally - Out with the old, in with the new in District 2!

Vote Steve Thorton on May 9th!!

Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 4, 2015

The question of the day is...

Does Jim Lane not know where the water district is??

We've received numerous emails since his sign went up last night in Haltom City (on the way in to Watauga).

Neither are in the water district.  Nor is there a polling place nearby.

We can't answer for him but we can tell you those who can't vote, will now be contacting some WHO can.

Someone get the boy a map.

Church & State Update- Seems the church property in Haltom City, where Lane placed his sign without permission, didn't take to kindly to it. Someone might tell him the Fort Worth Way doesn't work over here. 

Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 4, 2015

Thursday: Hear TRWD board candidates & water conservation program

TRWD Board Candidates: Top row, left to right: Keith
Annis, Jim Lane, Craig Bickley
Bottom row, left to right: Marty Leonard, Michele
Von Luckner
Please join us on Thursday, April 9, 2015,

6:30 p.m., Room 207

University Christian Church
2720 So. University Drive
Fort Worth, Texas

Come hear the candidates for Tarrant Regional Water District give brief overviews of their platforms and take a few questions.


Hear our Spring Program:

"Water Conservation -- Indoors and Out"

Rita Beving, Clean Water Fund, Dallas
David Foster, Clean Water Fund & Clean Water Action, Austin

Rita Beving and David Foster will present "Water Conservation - Indoors and Out."  Their presentation will talk briefly about the current state of the drought in Texas and touch on water planning as it relates to DFW. The discussion will then pivot to water conservation tips for both indoor and outdoor use including a bill passed last session that affects landscaping rules for HOAs throughout the state.  

Rita Beving is currently the North Texas Outreach Coordinator for Clean Water Fund and resides in Dallas. David Foster is the director of Clean Water Fund and Clean Water Action in Austin.

Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 3, 2015

Woodard says...

No, not that Woodard.  This time we hear from his son, Blake Woodard.

Seems he doesn't care much for the water board incumbents and their wasteful ways either.

VOTE FOR CRAIG BICKLEY and MICHELE VON LUCKNER!  Bring some sanity to the insane Tarrant Regional Water District.

By the way, how much does the General Manager of the TRWD make annually?  We're told over $300,000.  WHERE do YOU think that money comes from?

YOU guessed it.  After reading the definition for insanity, read Blake's comments in the FW Business Press below, you can also learn WHO pays more to the Fort Worth tax base - Mr. Bennett or Mayor Betsy Price.

As a lifelong Fort Worth citizen, I am proud to call Monty Bennett my friend. He's a kind man who seeks nothing from TRWD but the same fairness and respect any of us would want and is passionate about open, limited government. Through his company's Fort Worth holdings, he pays more Fort Worth property taxes than at least 95% of those who childishly demean his Dallas residence, including our mayor. Most ironically, our mayor, who mails scare flyers to senior citizens warning that Monty Bennett is a Dallas businessman who wants to take our water, is the one intent on handing Fort Worth's water sovereignty to her good friend, Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings, through regional (read "Dallas-controlled") water restrictions. 

Fort Worthians, don't miss this rare opportunity to tear the curtain on a government entity desperately in need of reform. Change is coming on May 9. For information on the candidates or a copy of Mayor Price's senior citizen scare flyer, e-mail me at

Fort Worth Sell Outs

Remember way back in the day, when Tommy Lee Jones told you to "Get behind the Barnett Shale"?  His face was plastered on billboards and buses all over town...

Remember who the mayor was then, that sold Fort Worth down the river to the drillers?  In case you forgot, it was Mike Moncrief.  We've been spared from looking at Mikey for awhile now, then all the sudden, we see his face popping up again on mailers for an election he has nothing to do with.  Well, we're sure his driller friends still need water...

Remember when the policitians hired celebrities to push their water agenda through?  Prop 2 got a lot of press.  How much money does the Tarrant Regional Water District get from Prop 2 passing?

YOU don't want to know.

All you need to know is if the politicians are pimping incumbents, there is a reason and the reason is NOT you.

Don't buy the BS, the PRICE is too high.

Don't believe us?  Check your water bill.

Name your "Price"

 Two short years ago a new councilperson was elected to serve the east side of Fort Worth.

She was elected because the voters were tired of not being represented by their representative.

These voters worked day and night to get this person elected because she promised to represent THEIR interests.

How quickly they forget...

This very same councilwoman now has sold out to the highest bidder and has let her photo be posted on a flyer from Mayor Price, for an election neither of them are a part of.

We can't help but wonder what her price was?  What she was promised? And who the voters WHO elected her will vote for now?

The betting window is now open.

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